Gloucestershire County Council Plans and Consultations

Minerals Local Plan for Gloucestershire 2018 – 2032 | Notification of Inspector’s Report

Gloucestershire County Council would like to update you on the progress of the Minerals Local Plan for Gloucestershire (2018-2032).

Following submission to the Secretary of State in December 2018, the Minerals Local Plan for Gloucestershire (2018-2032) has been subject to independent scrutiny, in the form of an Examination in Public (EiP) between 11th and 12th June 2019. The Secretary of State appointed Inspector Stephen Normington BSc DipTP MRICS MRTPI FIQ FIHE to conduct the examination.

The County Council received the Inspector’s Report on 23rd December 2019 and it can be found at The Report has concluded that the Minerals Local Plan for Gloucestershire (2018-2032) provides an appropriate basis for mineral planning in the County, provided that a number of main modifications [MMs] are made to it.

The County Council will now consider the above document (including recommended modifications) and decide whether to progress the Plan to adoption in the near future.

Plan documents can be viewed online at

Hard copies of the documents can also be viewed during normal office hours at: -

  • Gloucestershire County Council main reception at Shire Hall off Westgate Street, Gloucester;
  • Borough, City and District Council offices located around Gloucestershire; and
  • Gloucestershire’s public libraries.